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Tourism in the City: Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism 1st ed. 2017

Автор: Nicola Bellini, Cecilia Pasquinelli
Количество страниц: 339
Год публикации: 2016
ID товара: 78071178
Продавец: Minced 4.3
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Продавец: Minced 4.3

Описание товара: Tourism in the City: Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism 1st ed. 2017

This book critically explores the interconnections between tourism and the contemporary city from a policy-oriented standpoint, combining tourism perspectives with discussion of urban models, issues, and challenges. Research-based analyses addressing managerial issues and evaluating policy implications are described, and a comprehensive set of case studies is presented to demonstrate practices and policies in various urban contexts. A key message is that tourism policies should be conceived as integrated urban policies that promote tourism performance as a means of fostering urban quality and the well-being of local communities, e.g., in terms of quality spaces, employment, accessibility, innovation, and learning opportunities. In addition to highlighting the significance of urban tourism in relation to key urban challenges, the book reflects on the risks and tensions associated with its development, including the rise of anti-tourism movements as a reaction to touristification, cultural commodification, and gentrification. Attention is drawn to asymmetries in the costs and benefits of the city tourism phenomenon, and the supposedly unavoidable trade-off between the interests of residents and tourists is critically questioned.Global context, policies and practices in urban tourism: An introduction.- Part I Urban Tourism: Defining the research scene and dimensions.- Tourism connectivity and spatial complexity: A widening bi-dimensional arena of urban tourism research.- Mind the Gap: Reconceptualising inclusive development in support of integrated urban planning and tourism development.- Emerging technologies and cultural tourism: Opportunities for a cultural urban tourism research agenda.- On the move: Emerging fields of transport research in urban tourism.- The participatory place branding process for tourism: Linking visitors and residents through the city brand.- Globetrotters and brands: Cities in an emerging communicative space.- The construction of an emerging tourist destination and its related human capital challenges.- Urban coastal tourism and climate change: Indicators for a Mediterranean prospective.- Visitor streams in city destinations: Towards new tools for measuring urban tourism.- PartII The construction of multiple city "products" through culture, creativity and heritage: Principles, policies and practices.- Museumification of historical centres: The case of Frankfurt Altstadt reconstruction.- Heritage and urban regeneration. Towards Creative Tourism.- Building Kosice European Capital of Culture. Towards a Creative City?.- The role of fashion for tourism: An analysis of Florence as a manufacturing fashion city and beyond.- Does recurrence matter? The impact of music festivals on local tourist competitiveness.- Enhancing the tourism image of Italian regions through urban events. The case of Steve McCurry"s Sensational Umbria exhibition.- Rediscovering the "urban" in two Italian tourist coastal cities.- Part III City Tourism performance and urban wellbeing: Tensions, risks and potential trade-offs.- Venice reshaped? Tourist gentrification and sense of place.- Urban tourism development in Prague: From tourist mecca to tourist ghetto.- From Barcelona: The Pearl of the Mediterranean to Bye Bye Barcelona. Urban movement and tourism management in a Mediterranean city.- Green tourism: Attractions and initiatives of Polish Cittaslow cities.- Sports tourism, regeneration and social impacts: New opportunities and directions for research, the Case of Medulin, Croatia.- A "new normality" for residents and tourists: How can a disaster become a tourist resource?.- Urban tourism and city development: Notes for an integrated policy agenda.

Общая информация o: Tourism in the City: Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism 1st ed. 2017

ID товара: 78071178
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Springer International Publishing AG
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: экономика
Продавец: Minced
Автор: Nicola Bellini, Cecilia Pasquinelli
Количество страниц: 339
Год публикации: 2016

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Tourism in the City: Towards an Integrative Agenda on Urban Tourism 1st ed. 2017
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