From the time The Big Penis Book was published, readers anticipated The Big Book of Pussy. Granted, perhaps not the same readers, but the seed had been planted and the calls and letters began flowing in. Once they had that long-awaited book, some found themselves overwhelmed by the variety and abundance, as well as the sheer size of the book. As one reviewer wrote, “let’s give credit to Amazon for…the strength of its packaging. Who wants a 2-ton pussy book being ‘exposed’ for the mailman…?”For those who worry that there can be too much of a good thing, we’ve made a pared down, “best of” edition of The Big Book of Pussy, a petite little kitten of a book that puts those in-your-face photos in proper perspective. Now you can follow the evolution of genital exposure with ease, through 100 years of photos with one thing in common: the exhibitionistic pleasure with which the models present their feminine pulchritude. And with over 150 photos—36 new to this book—of the pet we love to pet, no bothersome text to interrupt the flow, all in a package that won’t stress the mailman’s back, we just may have produced the perfect self-gifter of the year.
The origin of the world for pocket change! Gustave Courbet got it right in 1866 when he painted a voluptuous woman’s furry cleft and titled it L’Origine du monde. We all come from the pussy and half of us spend our lives trying to climb back in—now you can carry 150 of the best right in your back pocket.