My Magnolia Summer Large type / large print edition

Автор: Victoria Benton Frank
Количество страниц: 512
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 76840729

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Описание товара: My Magnolia Summer Large type / large print edition

“(B]y writing My Magnolia Summer, a novel of low country food, family drama, and just the right amount of romance, Victoria Benton Frank shows that she is the rightful heir to the crown of summertime storytellers. Her mother would be so proud.” — Ann Patchett Escape to the South Carolina Lowcountry, where family bonds and hidden secrets run deep. In this gripping tale of self-discovery, Victoria Benton Frank introduces us to Maggie, struggling to find her place in the world when she receives a phone call bringing her back to her hometown of Sullivan's Island.In New York City winter never seems to loosen its hold and for South Carolina transplant Maggie (born Magnolia after the fairest summer flower) the balmy beach weather of April back home on Sullivan’s Island feels like a distant memory. Until a phone call from her sister, Violet, changes everything.Gran, the treasured matriarch, has fallen into a coma after a car accident caused by Maggie’s troubled mother, Lily. But once Maggie returns, she finds that her hometown of Sullivan’s Island holds even more secrets. The Magic Lantern, the restaurant owned and run by generations of women in her family, is now rudderless, and her sister seems headed for a savage breakup.Once she is between the marsh grasses and dunes of South Carolina, she feels herself changing like the Atlantic tides, rediscovering the roots she left behind, and a new and different version of herself—one who can see how a minor crash into the back of a very handsome farmer’s truck may become fortunate. Or perhaps it’s even… fate?When the three generations of South Carolina women join forces—the family pillar Gran, troubled Lily, impulsive Violet, and redoubtable Maggie—anything is possible. With stunning descriptions of the magic of the Lowcountry, this novel will transport you to a world of treasured family traditions and unexpected twists of fate.

Общая информация o: My Magnolia Summer Large type / large print edition

ID товара: 76840729
Категория: Фантастика, фэнтези
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,15 x 0,23 м, 0,54 кг
Издательство: HarperLuxe
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Фантастика, книги для взрослых
Автор: Victoria Benton Frank
Количество страниц: 512
Год публикации: 2023

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