Watch Her Fall: Nominated for the Theakstons Crime Novel of the Year

Автор: Erin Kelly
Количество страниц: 400
Год публикации: 2021
ID товара: 58505098
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Продавец: Knygynas Krisostomus 4.9
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Описание товара: Watch Her Fall: Nominated for the Theakstons Crime Novel of the Year

Black Swan meets Killing Eve - the brilliant new novel from Erin Kelly
"Superbly dark, gloriously twisted and utterly seductive - this is Erin Kelly at her mind-bending best" RUTH WARE"Her plots are the smartest in the industry, but with this one she somehow captured the intense, constrained, sinister world of ballet. I absolutely loved it" GILLIAN MCALLISTER"Watch Her Fall is not only a cleverly plotted, beautifully written thriller; it is also a mesmerizing glimpse behind the curtain into a world few of us will ever see" CLARE MACKINTOSHSwan Lake is divided into the black acts and the white acts. The Prince is on stage for most of the ballet, but it's the swans audiences flock to see. In early productions, Odette and Odile were performed by two different dancers. These days, it is usual for the same dancer to play both roles. Because of the faultless ballet technique required to master the steps, and the emotional range needed to perform both the virginal Odette and the dark, seductive Odile, this challenging dual role is one of the most coveted in all ballet. Dancers would kill for the part. Ava Kirilova has reached the very top of her profession. After years and years of hard graft, pain and sacrifice as part of the London Russian Ballet Company, allowing nothing else to distract her, she is finally the poster girl for Swan Lake. Even Mr K - her father, and the intense, terrifying director of the company - can find no fault. Ava has pushed herself ahead of countless other talented, hardworking girls, and they are all watching her now.But there is someone who really wants to see Ava fall . . ."Thriller queen Kelly is back with a new novel about a dancer at the London Ballet Company . . . Think Black Swan but in book form" Cosmopolitan"Kelly's pirouetting plot is up there with her best" Daily Express******************************************************Readers on Netgalley LOVE Watch Her Fall:"Kelly paints the setting of this novel in intricate detail. I could feel the ebb of paranoia within the constraints of the theatre and imagine the stifling discomfort of London in a heatwave . . . At one point in the story, I was almost holding my breath. This is a story of ambition, deception, obsession, control and survival. It's a standout novel that is sure to be a success when released""Highly recommend it as it kept me guessing until the end, read it one sitting as couldn't leave it down""This is another glowing triumph of a book and a dark delight to read""A deftly woven, intricate story of ambition, desire, love, deception, obsession, discipline and power, with the central story mimicking that of Swan Lake itself, so that it becomes a hall-of-mirrors of sorts, a story within a story within a story""Kelly is a superstar of this genre. A masterpiece"

Общая информация o: Watch Her Fall: Nominated for the Theakstons Crime Novel of the Year

ID товара: 58505098
Категория: Фантастика, фэнтези
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,4 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,65 кг
Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Твердый
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Фантастика, книги для взрослых
Книга с отрывком: Нет
Продавец: KATARATA, Knygynas Krisostomus
Автор: Erin Kelly
Количество страниц: 400
Год публикации: 2021

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