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My First Book of Haiku Poems: a Picture, a Poem and a Dream; Classic Poems by Japanese Haiku Masters (Bilingual English and Japanese text)

Автор: Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen, Tracy Gallup
Количество страниц: 48
Год публикации: 2019
ID товара: 79036848

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Описание товара: My First Book of Haiku Poems: a Picture, a Poem and a Dream; Classic Poems by Japanese Haiku Masters (Bilingual English and Japanese text)

Complemented by imagination-inspiring watercolors by the illustrator of A Beastly Banquet, a bilingual treasury of classic poems by such Japanese haiku masters as Issa, Shiki and Basho explores such themes as the natural world and a child's ability to perceive the universe in the world's tiniest parts.
"My First Book of Haiku Poems introduces children to inspirational works of poetry and art that speak of our connection to the natural world, and of their own ability to see an entire universe in the tiniest parts of it. It pairs fresh interpretations of20 classic poems by Issa, Shiki, Basho, and other great Japanese haiku masters with stunning original paintings that both portray and inspire a child's inner life, and open a door into the world of their own imagination. A fully bilingual children's book, My First Book of Haiku includes the original Japanese poems (in both Japanese script and Romaji form) on each page alongside the English translation to form a complete cultural experience. Each haiku poem is accompanied by a full page "dreamscape" painting that will be admired by children and adults alike. Commentaries and brief bios offer parents and teachers ready-made "food for thought" to share with young readers and stimulate a conversation about each work"--
My First Book of Haiku Poems introduces children to inspirational works of poetry and art that speak of our connection to the natural world, and that enhance their ability to see an entire universe in the tiniest parts of it. Each of these 20 classic poems by Issa, Shiki, Basho, and other great haiku masters is paired with a stunning original painting that opens a door to the world of a child's imagination. A fully bilingual children's book, My First Book of Haiku Poems includes the original versions of the Japanese poems (in Japanese script and Romanized form) on each page alongside the English translation to form a complete cultural experience. Each haiku poem is accompanied by a "dreamscape" painting by award-winning artist Tracy Gallup that will be admired by children and adults alike. Commentaries offer parents and teachers ready-made "food for thought" to share with young readers and stimulate a conversation about each work.

Общая информация o: My First Book of Haiku Poems: a Picture, a Poem and a Dream; Classic Poems by Japanese Haiku Masters (Bilingual English and Japanese text)

ID товара: 79036848
Категория: Книги для малышей
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Tuttle Publishing
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Книги для самых маленьких
Автор: Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen, Tracy Gallup
Количество страниц: 48
Год публикации: 2019

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My First Book of Haiku Poems: a Picture, a Poem and a Dream; Classic Poems by Japanese Haiku Masters (Bilingual English and Japanese text)
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