Book of Awesome Black Americans: Scientific Pioneers, Trailblazing Entrepreneurs, Barrier-Breaking Activists and Afro-Futurists (Teen and YA Cultural Heritage, African-American Biographies)

Автор: Monique L. Jones
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2020
ID товара: 66497526
Продавец: KATARATA 4.6
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Продавец: KATARATA 4.6
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Описание товара: Book of Awesome Black Americans: Scientific Pioneers, Trailblazing Entrepreneurs, Barrier-Breaking Activists and Afro-Futurists (Teen and YA Cultural Heritage, African-American Biographies)

This book aims to teach the hidden contributions of Black Americans to American culture at large. Who is the book for : Primarily Black and African American boys and girls, ages 12-18, interested in representation and history and who want to learn about the contributions of Black Americans on American culture.
#1 New Release in Cultural Heritage — Making a Better AmericaBlack Americans who have shaped their country and beyond: We are familiar with a handful of African Americans who are mentioned in American history books, but there are also countless others who do not get recognized in mainstream media. Their actions may not have appeared to shake the world, but their contributions to shifting American culture were just as groundbreaking.There’s more than one way to make a difference: The achievements of the Black Americans included in this book range from athletic to artistic, literary to scientific. Their biographies vary greatly, but each one contributes to the course of Black history and its influence on the greater world. Their stories encourage readers, especially teenage boys and girls, to find their own path to change.Celebrate the successes made possible by diversity: African Americans have made history by challenging and changing the American landscape. This was accomplished not by shedding layers of originality, but by wearing their colors proudly and openly in the world. Growth has been made possible by a resistance to conformity and a fusing of cultures, African and American alike.Monique L. Jones’s The Book of Awesome Black Americans is more than a Black history book. It’s a celebration of Black people. In this book, you will find:Amazing role models who brought on change by using their gifts and passions to overcome societal barriersStories mainstream media failed to mention that are sure to inspire, motivate, and educate readers of all backgroundsTestimonies that demonstrate how American culture thrives when it celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivenessIf you enjoyed books such as 100 African-Americans Who Shaped American History, Bedtime Inspirational Stories, or Becca Anderson’s The Book of Awesome Women, then The Book of Awesome Black Americans should be your next read!

Общая информация o: Book of Awesome Black Americans: Scientific Pioneers, Trailblazing Entrepreneurs, Barrier-Breaking Activists and Afro-Futurists (Teen and YA Cultural Heritage, African-American Biographies)

ID товара: 66497526
Категория: Книги для подростков и молодежи
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,4 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,65 кг
Издательство: Mango Media
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Книги для подростков
Книга с отрывком: Нет
Продавец: KATARATA
Автор: Monique L. Jones
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2020

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Book of Awesome Black Americans: Scientific Pioneers, Trailblazing Entrepreneurs, Barrier-Breaking Activists and Afro-Futurists (Teen and YA Cultural Heritage, African-American Biographies)
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