Is There a God? Revised edition

Автор: Richard Swinburne
Количество страниц: 139
Год публикации: 2010
ID товара: 66720071

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Is There a God? offers a powerful response to modern doubts about the existence of God. It may seem today that the answers to all fundamental questions lie in the province of science, and that the scientific advances of the twentieth century leave little room for God. Cosmologists have rolled back their theories to the moment of the Big Bang, the discovery of DNA reveals the key to life, the theory of evolution explains the development of life... and with each new discovery or development, it seems that we are closer to a complete understanding of how things are. For many people, this gives strength to the belief that God is not needed to explain the universe; that religious belief is not based on reason; and that the existence of God is, intellectually, a lost cause. Richard Swinburne, one of the most distinguished philosophers of religion of our day, argues that on the contrary, science provides good grounds for belief in God. Why is there a universe at all ? Why is there any life on Earth? How is it that discoverable scientific laws operate in the universe? Professor Swinburne uses the methods of scientific reasoning to argue that the best answers to these questions are given by the existence of God. The picture of the universe that science gives us is completed by God. This new, updated edition of Richard Swinburne's popular introductory book Is There a God? features two substantial changes. He presents a new, stronger argument why theism does and materialism does not provide a very simple ultimate explanation of the world. And he examines the idea of the possible existence of many other universes, and its relevance to his arguments from the fine-tuning of our universe to the existence of God.

Общая информация o: Is There a God? Revised edition

ID товара: 66720071
Категория: Духовная литература
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,13 x 0,22 м, 0,18 кг
Тип: Религия
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Книга с отрывком: Да
Автор: Richard Swinburne
Количество страниц: 139
Год публикации: 2010

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