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Mark's Gospel: History, Theology, Interpretation

Автор: C Clifton Black
Количество страниц: 558
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 77576374

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Описание товара: Mark's Gospel: History, Theology, Interpretation

"A culmination of contemporary scholarship on the Gospel of Mark. A preeminent scholar of the Gospel of Mark, C. Clifton Black has been studying and publishing on the gospel for over thirty years. This new collection brings together his most pivotal workand fresh investigations to constitute an all-in-one compendium of contemporary Markan scholarship and exegesis. The essays included cover scriptural commentary, historical studies, literary analysis, theological argument, and pastoral considerations. Among other topics Black explores: the gospel's provenance, authorship, and attribution the significance of redaction criticism in Markan studies recent approaches to the gospel's interpretation literary and rhetorical analyses of the gospel's narrative thekingdom of God and its revelation in Jesus Mark's theology of creation, suffering, and discipleship the Gospel of Mark's relationship to the Gospel of John and Paul's letters the passion in Mark as the gospel's recapitulation Scholars, advanced students,and clergy alike will consider this book an indispensable resource for understanding the foundational gospel"--
"A collection of historical, theological, and homiletical essays on the Gospel of Mark"--
A culmination of contemporary scholarship on the Gospel of Mark.    A preeminent scholar of the Gospel of Mark, C. Clifton Black has been studying and publishing on the Gospel for over thirty years. This new collection brings together his most pivotal work and fresh investigations to constitute an all-in-one compendium of contemporary Markan scholarship and exegesis.    The essays included cover scriptural commentary, historical studies, literary analysis, theological argument, and pastoral considerations. Among other topics Black explores:            • the Gospel’s provenance, authorship, and attribution            • the significance of redaction criticism in Markan studies            • recent approaches to the Gospel’s interpretation           • literary and rhetorical analyses of the Gospel’s narrative           • the kingdom of God and its revelation in Jesus           • Mark’s theology of creation, suffering, and discipleship            • the Gospel of Mark’s relationship to the Gospel of John and Paul’s letters           • the passion in Mark as the Gospel’s recapitulation    Scholars, advanced students, and clergy alike will consider this book an indispensable resource for understanding the foundational Gospel.

Общая информация o: Mark's Gospel: History, Theology, Interpretation

ID товара: 77576374
Категория: Духовная литература
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,02 x 0,2 x 0,13 м, 0,28 кг
Тип: Религия
Издательство: William B Eerdmans Publishing Co
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Автор: C Clifton Black
Количество страниц: 558
Год публикации: 2023

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