Warblers of Eastern North America 2nd edition

Автор: Chris G Earley
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 74376821

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Описание товара: Warblers of Eastern North America 2nd edition

A classic field guide to these well-loved birds, updated with the latest taxonomical information. Nothing says Spring to a birdwatcher like seeing the flash of bright plumage as a warbler, recently arrived from its southern wintering grounds, flits from branch to branch, hunting for insects. Eastern North America is home to over 40 species of warblers, and Warblers of Eastern North America is the essential guidebook to identifying and enjoying the huge range of species that live in this area of the continent. With over 240 crisp, full-colour photographs and precise identification notes, Warblers of Eastern North America is indispensable to naturalists, students and birders of all levels of experience. Author and naturalist Chris G. Earley's concise and well-organized text gives the reader pointers on identification - including male and female differences, seasonal plumages, distinctive markings, song descriptions and cheat sheets. The book also features range maps for each described species, charts showing the seasonal status of the warblers, and photographic comparison charts that group similar-looking birds on a single page for quick reference. Here are just a handful of the species profiled in Warblers of Eastern North America: Tennessee Warbler; Chestnut-sided Warbler; Yellow-rumped "Myrtle" Warbler; Blackburnian Warbler; Cerulean Warbler; Hermit Warbler; Painted Redstart; And many, many more! This new edition of Warblers of Eastern North America, updated for the first time in nearly two decades, features an additional warbler species as well as new taxonomical information, updated scientific names and new endangered status designations. The book also features all new photographs, lending this new edition of a classic text a fresh look.

Общая информация o: Warblers of Eastern North America 2nd edition

ID товара: 74376821
Категория: Книги о питании и здоровом образе жизни
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Firefly Books Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Лучшие книги по развитию эмоционального интеллекта
Автор: Chris G Earley
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2023

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