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Shows corporate leaders how to support visioning and strategy formation to induce organizational change by incorporating the tools of design thinking and visual literacy, including graphic templates, decision theatres and Storymaps. Original.<br /> What Visual Meetings did for meetings and Visual Teams did for teams, this book does for leadersVisual Leaders explores how leaders can support visioning and strategy formation, planning and management, and organizationchange through the application of visual meeting and visual team methodologies organization wide—literally "trans-forming" communications and people's sense of what is possible. It describes seven essential tools for visual leaders—mental models, visual meetings, graphic templates, decision theaters, roadmaps, Storymaps, and virtual visuals—and examples of methods for implementation throughout an organization. Written for all levels of leadership in organizations, from department heads through directors, heads of strategic business units, and "C" level executivesExplores how communications has become interactive and graphic and how these tools can be used to shape direction and align people for implementationBrings tools, methods and frameworks to life with stories of real organizations modeling these practicesVisual Leaders answers the question of how design thinking and visual literacy can help to orient leaders to the complexity of contemporary organizations in the private, non-profit, and public sectors.

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