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738 / мес. 9799
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Vaisių ir vyno presas, 18L

Тип: Другая посуда
Материал: Древесина
Вместимость: 18000 мл
0 €
707 / мес. 5399
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno presas, 6L

Тип: Пресса
Предназначено: Прессовые инструменты
Торговая марка: vidaXL
0 €
610 / мес. 8099
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno presas, 12 l

Тип: Соковыжималки
Количество приборов в комплекте: 1 шт.
0 €
686 / мес. 9099
В корзину

vidaXL vaisių spaudyklė, 7l

Тип: Соковыжималки
Количество приборов в комплекте: 1 шт.
0 €
644 / мес. 13199
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno presas su audinio maišeliu, 24 l

Тип: Пресса
Предназначено: Прессовые инструменты
Торговая марка: vidaXL
0 €
702 / мес. 14399
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Vaisių ir vyno preso ir smulkintuvo rinkinys, 2 d.

Тип: Пресса
Предназначено: Прессовые инструменты
Торговая марка: vidaXL
0 €
917 / мес. 18799
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno preso bei smulkintuvo rinkinys, 2 d.

Тип: Наборы для сервировки
Материал: Стали
Вместимость: Virgin Hair Restoration, 3 упаковки, 125 г мл
0 €
1058 / мес. 24099
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno preso bei smulkintuvo rinkinys, 2 d.

Тип: Другая посуда
Материал: Древесина
Вместимость: Virgin Hair Restoration, 3 упаковки, 125 г мл
0 €
В корзину

Vaisių ir lapų surinkimo tinklas Nature, 4,3 x 4,3 m, 6030451

Тип: Агропленки, Сборщики листьев / травы, Приборы для ...
Предназначено: Сгребания листьев, Для сбора фруктов, ягод
Торговая марка: Nature
0 €
736 / мес. 15099
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno presas su audinio maišeliu, 30l

Тип: Другая посуда
Материал: Дерево
Вместимость: 300 мл
0 €
839 / мес. 17199
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno preso ir smulkintuvo rinkinys, 2 d.

Тип: Наборы для сервировки
Материал: Стали
Вместимость: Virgin Hair Restoration, 3 упаковки, 125 г мл
0 €
975 / мес. 22199
В корзину

Vaisių ir vyno preso bei smulkintuvo rinkinys

Тип: Другая посуда
Материал: Дерево
Вместимость: Virgin Hair Restoration, 3 упаковки, 125 г мл
0 €
1485 / мес. 37599
В корзину

"In this book, beloved teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche guides us through the most popular mantras in Tibetan Buddhism: Shakyamuni Buddha, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Tara, Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, and more. A mantra-literally "that which protects the mind"-is a series of Sanskrit syllables that evoke the energy of a particular buddha or bodhisattva. It works as a sacred sound that brings blessings to ourself and others, and as a tool to transform our mind into one that is more compassionate and wise. In clear and succinct teachings, Lama Zopa shows us why we need different mantras and how each mantra works. He also explains their importance and power, giving specific instructions for practicing them. The exquisite, full-color illustrations of the deities that accompany the text make this book a beautiful guide, one suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners"-- Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the respected and beloved cofounder of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, offers us a significant book that is both a beautiful tool for experienced practitioners and a how-to for beginners.Revitalize your practice with the potent energy of mantra. In this book, beloved teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche guides us through the most popular mantras in Tibetan Buddhism: Shakyamuni Buddha, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Tara, Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, and more. A mantra—literally “that which protects the mind”—is a series of Sanskrit syllables that evoke the energy of a particular buddha or bodhisattva. It works as a sacred sound that brings blessings to ourself and others, and as a tool to transform our mind into one that is more compassionate and wise. In clear and succinct teachings, Lama Zopa shows us why we need different mantras and how each mantra works. He also explains their importance and power, giving specific instructions for practicing them. The exquisite, full-color illustrations of the deities that accompany the text make this book a beautiful guide, one suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

Тип: Клетки
Торговая марка: vidaXL
0 €
1207 / мес. 27499
В корзину

"In this book, beloved teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche guides us through the most popular mantras in Tibetan Buddhism: Shakyamuni Buddha, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Tara, Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, and more. A mantra-literally "that which protects the mind"-is a series of Sanskrit syllables that evoke the energy of a particular buddha or bodhisattva. It works as a sacred sound that brings blessings to ourself and others, and as a tool to transform our mind into one that is more compassionate and wise. In clear and succinct teachings, Lama Zopa shows us why we need different mantras and how each mantra works. He also explains their importance and power, giving specific instructions for practicing them. The exquisite, full-color illustrations of the deities that accompany the text make this book a beautiful guide, one suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners"-- Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the respected and beloved cofounder of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, offers us a significant book that is both a beautiful tool for experienced practitioners and a how-to for beginners.Revitalize your practice with the potent energy of mantra. In this book, beloved teacher Lama Zopa Rinpoche guides us through the most popular mantras in Tibetan Buddhism: Shakyamuni Buddha, Chenrezig, Manjushri, Tara, Medicine Buddha, Vajrasattva, and more. A mantra—literally “that which protects the mind”—is a series of Sanskrit syllables that evoke the energy of a particular buddha or bodhisattva. It works as a sacred sound that brings blessings to ourself and others, and as a tool to transform our mind into one that is more compassionate and wise. In clear and succinct teachings, Lama Zopa shows us why we need different mantras and how each mantra works. He also explains their importance and power, giving specific instructions for practicing them. The exquisite, full-color illustrations of the deities that accompany the text make this book a beautiful guide, one suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

Тип: Клетки
Торговая марка: vidaXL
При условии, что сумма кредита 24000 € сроком на 45 месяца, условия будут следующими: ежемесячный взнос - 1054 €, годовая процентная ставка - 41,15%, комиссия за ежемесячное администрирование договора - 000 €, комиссия за составление договора - 000 €, BVKKMN - 49,96%, общая сумма, уплаченная получателем потребительского кредита составит 47430 €.