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0 €
517 / мес. 10599
В корзину

Suoliukai, 2vnt., rudos spalvos, jūros žolė

Тип: Скамьи и банкетки
Ширина: Не указано см
Высота: Не указано см
0 €
В корзину

vidaXL Guolis katėms, 36cm, jūros žolė, apskritas

Высота: 18 см
Торговая марка: vidaXL
1919 / мес. 48573 63145
В корзину

Dirbtinė žolė, 1,5x15 m 7-9 mm

Длина: 1500 см
Ширина: 150 см
Материал: Не указано
0 €
853 / мес. 17499
В корзину

Dvivietė sofa su porankiais, tams. žal. sp., chromas ir aks.

Тип: Диваны
Ширина: 114 см
Материал: Гобелен
0 €
1205 / мес. 30499
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
3337 / мес. 84480 1 09824
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
В корзину

Kilimas, 90cm, džiutas, rankų darbo, su alyv. žal. sp. kraštu

Длина: 90 см
Ширина: 90 см
Материал: Джют
0 €
В корзину

Kilimas, alyvuogių žal. sp., 90cm, džiutas, apval., rankų darbo

Длина: 90 см
Ширина: 90 см
Материал: Джют
0 €
935 / мес. 21299
В корзину

Легкий флюид с текстурой oil free, со слабокислым рН и оптимальным для регулярного ухода за кожей содержанием АНА-кислот. Препарат мягко стимулирует естественное отшелушивание омертвевших частичек рогового слоя эпидермиса, способствует улучшению текстуры и гладкости кожи, выравниванию тона, уменьшению выраженности пигментации, в том числе поствоспалительной, препятствует образованию комедонов и воспалений. Миндальная кислота в 5%-ной концентрации уменьшает признаки фотостарения, обладает себорегулирующим, комедонолитическим и антимикробным действием, осветляет поверхностную пигментацию, не раздражая при этом кожу и не вызывая шелушения. 5%-ный АНА/ВНА -концентрат усиливает действие миндальной кислоты и в данной концентрации обладает хорошей переносимостью, регулирует рН средства, находящийся в диапазоне, оптимальном для воздействия кислот и препятствующим размножению патогенных микробов. Комплекс растительных сахаров Акваксил способствует глубокому увлажнению и восстановлению защитного барьера за счет стимуляции синтеза церамидов эпидермиса, диметиламиноэтанол (ДМАЭ) отвечает за лифтинг-эффект, сок алоэ вера оказывает успокаивающее и иммуностимулирующее действие. Такой многофункциональный состав флюида обеспечивает заметное оздоровление кожи, омолаживающий эффект и профилактику возникновения воспалений и пигментации.    Активные ингредиенты: миндальная кислота (5%), комплекс кислот: лимонная, молочная, яблочная, глюконовая, гликолевая, аскорбиновая, салициловая, винная (5% в совокупности), акваксил (ксилитилглюкозид, ангидроксиксилитол, ксилитол), ДМАЭ, сок алоэ вера. Показания к применению: для всех типов кожи с признаками фото-и хроностарения, а также для кожи с неравномерным тоном, со склонностью к воспалениям, гиперкератозу, образованию пигментации, постакне. Область применения: профессиональный и домашний уход. Способ применения: в профессиональном уходе использовать в качестве завершающего средства после чистки лица и других процедур, самостоятельно или под защитный крем, а также для подготовки кожи к химическим пилингам. Для домашнего ухода флюид в небольшом количестве наносить на очищенную, сухую кожу, распределять по коже до полного впитывания, избегая зон вокруг глаз и губ. Применять 1-2 раза в день или реже, в зависимости от типа кожи, цели применения и выраженности проблем, предпочтительнее вечером. При сухой и нормальной коже желательно применять флюид под питательный крем. При использовании флюида днём необходимо наносить солнцезащитное средство с SPF 30 и выше, избегать длительного нахождения на солнце. С осторожностью применять при чувствительной коже. Не наносить на повреждённую кожу. Форма выпуска: флакон 30г.

Тип: Уличные кресла
Ширина: Не указано см
Материал: Массив дерева
0 €
1124 / мес. 25599
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1159 / мес. 26399
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
975 / мес. 22199
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1115 / мес. 25399
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
975 / мес. 22199
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1159 / мес. 26399
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1273 / мес. 28999
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1313 / мес. 29899
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1300 / мес. 29599
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1106 / мес. 25199
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
0 €
1102 / мес. 25099
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
3328 / мес. 84254 1 09530
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
3175 / мес. 80376 1 04489
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
3168 / мес. 80197 1 04256
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2974 / мес. 75296 97885
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2882 / мес. 72971 94862
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2866 / мес. 72573 94345
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2836 / мес. 71796 93335
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2830 / мес. 71658 93155
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2976 / мес. 75350 97955
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2500 / мес. 63302 82293
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
2504 / мес. 63389 82406
В корзину

Halesowen is an old place. It was planned and laid out by the monks of the Premonstratensian Abbey of Hales - founded by King John - whose Abbot obtained permission to hold a market and a fair as long ago as 1220. Much has been written about its medieval past and William Shenstone's landscape gardens at the Leasowes, but this new history of the town is the first to explore fully the growth of its industry, involving all levels of society in the manufacture of iron and its use in a host of products.Despite its proximity to rural Worcestershire, Julian Hunt maintains that it is really part of the Black Country. Having traced the history of Hales Furnace, with its voracious appetite for charcoal, and the development of the forges and slitting mills on the River Stour, which enabled local craftsmen to fashion nails on the hearths behind their cottages, he identifies the nail ironmongers who controlled the trade and describes their business premises. He shows how they were involved in the promotion of turnpike roads, canals and railways with dramatic effect on the economy and landscape.In addition to an account of the churches and schools that catered for the needs of the growing town, he also traces the history of each shop and public house on the main streets, splendidly illustrated with elevations of the buildings specially prepared by the popular local artist, Bill Hazlehurst. These drawing should be of special interest to younger readers and more recent inhabitants in revealing the happy confusion of building styles that gave great character to the town before its redevelopment in the 1960s. The author discusses the motives of local councilors determined that Halesowen's architectural heritage should not impede 'progress'.A significant contribution to the published history of both Worcestershire and the Black Country, this very readable and well-illustrated new book will be warmly welcomed in Halesowen and the surrounding area. It puts the town's past and present. A full history of Halesowen, new in paperback

Тип: Заборы
Длина: 25 M
Высота забора: 2.2 M
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