Responds to what the author calls the "current epidemic" of sexual harassment charges in higher education and the burgeoning "Sexual Harassment Industry." Patai (Brazilian literature, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst) argues that the current judicial, quasi-judicial, extra-legal, and administrative application of sexual harassment law, especially as manifested in the "hostile environment" doctrine, and as practiced in universities, represents a dangerous shift in both law and custom. "Hostile environment" actions are now based upon the subjective experience of "unwanted" or "offensive" conduct (including speech) as perceived by the accuser and tested by the "reasonable woman" standard. Thus the burden of proof, contrary to American judicial practice, rests with the accused, not the accuser. Patai further argues that any feminism using sexual harassment to control men will eventually discredit women and feminism. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
A scathing criticism of political and sexual correctness, this thought-provoking and powerfully argued book is sure to incite debate among all concerned with the legacy and future of woman's rights.