As the first functional jet engines became available, the RLM published a requirement for a reconnaissance aircraft capable of long-range patrols over Britain, all the way up to Scapa Flow. The task to build the machine was given to Arado, who put Rudiger Kosin in charge of the design team. The initial E370 project was gradually tweaked and modified until it evolved into its final form as a single-seat aircraft powered by two jet engines in underwing pods, designated Ar 234. In order to maximize the aircraft's range, Arado's design team embarked on a radical weight-shedding crusade. Among the components eliminated from the design was the conventional landing gear, which was replaced with a jettisonable three-wheel trolley used for take-offs and retractable skids mounted under the fuselage for landings. These design features were incorporated into the first A series prototypes, powered by Junkers Jumo 004A engines. The B-2 was a bomber version, with a maximum bombload of 1,500 kg and the B-2/N a night fighter version. The C-3 was the multi-purpose version, armed with two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons beneath the nose.