Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The Official Field-Manuals for Espionage, Spycraft and Counter-Intelligence

Автор: Philip Parker
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2015
ID товара: 69880411

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Описание товара: Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The Official Field-Manuals for Espionage, Spycraft and Counter-Intelligence

Some twenty-five years after its conclusion, yet with its echoes resonating once more in contemporary East-West relations, the rigors and detail of many aspects of the Cold War are becoming increasingly of interest. Furthermore, at the very same time many of the records of the period are beginning to become accessible for the first time. At the forefront of this unique conflict, that divided the world into two opposing camps for over four decades, were the security services and the agents of these secretive organizations. The Cold War Pocket Manual presents a meticulously compiled selection of recently unclassified documents, field-manuals, briefing directives and intelligence primers that uncover the training and techniques required to function as a spy in the darkest periods of modern history. Material has been researched from the CIA, MI5 and MI6, the KGB, the STASI as well as from the Middle East security services and on into China and the East. As insightful as any drama these documents detail, amongst many other things, the directives that informed nuclear espionage, assassinations, interrogations and the ‘turning’ of agents and impacted upon the Suez Crisis, the Hungarian Uprising, the ‘Cambridge Five’ and the most tellingly the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

Общая информация o: Cold War Spy Pocket Manual: The Official Field-Manuals for Espionage, Spycraft and Counter-Intelligence

ID товара: 69880411
Категория: Книги по социальным наукам
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: The Pool of London Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Твердый
Тип: Социология
Книга с отрывком: Нет
Автор: Philip Parker
Количество страниц: 128
Год публикации: 2015

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