What is a governor? How do you become one? And how can you make a difference to your school? If you are thinking of becoming a school governor or are new to the role then this is the book for you. School governors bear a great deal of responsibility and whilst there is a lot of information on what these responsibilities entail, there is far less practical advice on how to behave and how to get the best out of those around you, whether they be fellow governors, teachers, staff, parents or pupils. This book is the first to focus on the practical guidance school governors need rather than just the statutory framework. A reassuring and trusty aid for all governors as well as a tool for head teachers. It will turn a pedestrian governing body into an effective team. It includes: * What is a Governor, who can be governor and how you can be most effective * Board structures and committees * Understanding your school and stakeholders * Understanding the finances * Accountability Who should buy this book? It will be your job to ensure your school makes the most of its opportunities and meets its obligations.This book is required reading for school governors, head teachers and teaching staff in a leadership responsibility and trustees.