The Handbook of Reading Assessment, Second Edition, covers the wide range of reading assessments educators must be able to use and understand to effectively assess and instruct their students. Comprehensive and filled with numerous authentic examples, the text addresses informal classroom based assessment, progress monitoring, individual norm-referenced assessment, and group norm-referenced or ‘high-stakes’ testing. Coverage includes assessment content relevant for English language learners and adults. A set of test guidelines to use when selecting or evaluating an assessment tool is provided.New and updated in the Second EditionImpact on reading assessment of Common Core Standards for literacy; increased top-down focus on accountability and high stakes tests; innovations in computerized assessment of readingLatest developments in Responsive to Intervention (RTI) model, particularly as they impact reading assessmentInternational Literacy Association standards for reading educators and brief discussion of International Dyslexia Association standardsTypes of reading assessment, including discussion of formative versus summative assessmentExpanded coverage of assessment of reading motivationExpanded coverage of writing assessmentNew and revised assessments across genres of reading assessmentCompanion Website with numerous resources relevant to reading and writing assessment; suggestions for evidence-based instructional practices that can be linked to assessment results; PowerPoint slides, a test bank, study guides, and application exercises.