A fascinating guide to Van Gogh's itinerant life, with vibrant images and stories about the many places where he lived and worked This exciting publication familiarizes readers of all ages with the many fascinating facets of Vincent van Gogh (1853--1890)artist, correspondent, traveler, and modern explorer of Europes cities and countryside. Thanks to Van Gogh's wanderlust and the rapid expansion of the railway system in Europe in the late 19th century, Van Gogh covered thousands of miles in his lifetime. He lived and worked in more than twenty locations: from the peaceful countryside of the Netherlands and the south of France to the hustle and bustle of big cities such as London and Paris. Authors Nienke Denekamp and René van Blerk trace the artists route across Europe from Z to A, beginning in his birthplace of Zundert in the southern Netherlands and ending where he died, in Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris. Each location is described with lively and accessible texts, comprehensive timelines, city and country maps, contemporary photographs, and related artworks by Van Gogh. Featuring an eye-catching design, captivating excerpts from Van Goghs vast body of letters, and hundreds of color images, The Vincent van Gogh Atlas offers a truly unique version of the enduringly compelling story of Van Gogh and instills an appreciation of the many journeysliteral and figurativethat the artist made throughout his life.