A group of Jewish women from Sydney, Australia, come together to form their own cooking club and share their favorite recipes, including bienenstich, kreplach and lockshen, and majadara.
In 2006 a group of Jewish women living in Sydney Australia came together to share recipes and talk about food. The cooked, ate, dranks much tea and talked--often heatedly--about the merits of different recipes. The MOnday Morning Cooking Ckub was born adnd a legacy of food and recipes spannign many cultures and generationsbegan to take shape. Five years and hundreds of dishes later, the sisterhood have handpicked their favorite recipes for publication. More than 100 recipes from 60 different chefs and each recipe begins with the story of the cook and the history of the dish.From traditional to modern and everything in between, recipes include Buba;s Eggplant Veal Cutlets with lemon and capers Hungarian Cheescake Kreplach and Lokshen Irene's Bulkas (cinnamon buns) “Red” chicken and much more!
The food, the stories, the sisterhood! An amzingly diverse assemblage of recipes that tell the stories of each cook's soul