This third volume to cover the Class 66 takes a look at the Freightliner-operated Class 66/5/6/9 locos that were delivered during the early to mid 2000s. This was at a time when most of the current locos in use with Freightliner on the national network were becoming very tired and evermore unreliable. Freightliner followed on from the example set by EWS with the Class 66/0, and very soon they started to order small batches of locos, which led to their current total of over 100 locos, although some have since been exported to Poland, sold to other operators and a few have been taken on from DRS. The Class 66/5/9 took over the duties usually handled by Classes 47 and 57, whereas the Class 66/6 is a re-geared version capable of hauling heavier loads such as coal or aggregates. They have now been in service for over 20 years and have proved very reliable and capable locos. This volume covers the locos from their early days up to the present time at various locations around the, especially looking at those in the South.