It was only in the mid 1960s that the first road between India and Bhutan was opened. And only since 1974 have a small number of tourists been permitted to visit the kingdom every year.In Hidden Bhutan Martin Uitz, a renowned authority on the country, is able to explain why the only traffic light in this hidden Kingdom was taken out of service, why six men are not allowed to go on a journey together, and what the subtle eroticism of a traditional hot-stone bath is all about. He looked closely at traditions, religion, and the recent transition to democracy, discovering along the way that the Bhutanese hills are more alive with Edelweiss than those that surround his native Salzburg.Whether planning a visit to Bhutan or simply interested in its people and customs, Uitz's infectious enthusiasm and deep affection for this country emanate from the page. His writing is beautifully descriptive and overflowing with the insights and meanderings that guidebooks ordinarily omit. Written with a deep understanding of Bhutan's intricate society, religion, and customs, Uitz's dry, witty humour gives the narrative a subtle poignancy. A perfect book for those wanting to understand how Bhutan's history, recent democratic change, and its drive to become the world's first smoking-free nation have shaped the enigmatic Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon.Martin Utiz died trekking in the Nepalese Himalayas in 2007. He was fifty-four years old.
A travelogue that explores the life and land of a kingdom still largely concealed from the outside world