Judge not, lest ye be judged. This timeless wisdom has guided the Anglican Church for hundreds of years, fostering a certain tolerance of eccentricity among its members.Good thing, too.The ‘Mermaid of Morwenstow’ excommunicated a cat for mousing on a Sunday. When he was late for a service, Bishop Lancelot Fleming commandeered a Navy helicopter. ‘Mad Jack’ swapped his surplice for a leopard skin and insisted on being carried around in a coffin. And then there was the man who, like Noah’s evil twin, tried to eat one of each of God’s creatures…In spite of all this they saw the church as their true calling. After all, who cares if you're wearing red high heels when there are souls to be saved?
The Archbishop of York's behaviour was "never that expected of a cleric, rarely that expected of a pirate..."
A Book of the Year for The Times, Mail on Sunday and BBC History Magazine Judge not, lest ye be judged. This timeless wisdom has guided the Anglican Church for hundreds of years, fostering a certain tolerance of eccentricity among its members. Good thing, too. The &;Mermaid of Morwenstow&; excommunicated a cat for mousing on a Sunday. When he was late for a service, Bishop Lancelot Fleming commandeered a Navy helicopter. &;Mad Jack&; swapped his surplice for a leopard skin and insisted on being carried around in a coffin. And then there was the man who, like Noah&;s evil twin, tried to eat one of each of God&;s creatures&; In spite of all this they saw the church as their true calling. After all, who cares if you're wearing red high heels when there are souls to be saved?