Two invisible enemies. A life hanging in the balance.The world is struggling in the face of a relentless virus. When Hayden Prentice develops symptoms during a stay in his native Portsmouth, Enora Andressen and her son Malo must do their best to save his life. Because H, already in deep financial jeopardy, trusts no one. Except his kith and kin. But survival comes at a savage price. Not just the fortune that Enora must somehow raise to pay for his home nursing, but the murderous attentions of a stalker from H's past, determined to pay him one last visit and exact vengeance for a long-ago debt of blood . . .
When Hayden Prentice, father to actress Enora Andresson's son, Malo, becomes infectious with Covid-19, he insists on being treated at a rented apartment in Southsea. Hayden's plan to pay the huge sums needed for his ongoing medical care, and an enemy intent on killing him when he's at his most vulnerable, plunge Enora into danger once again.