&;This book is fucking awesome. It&;s my life&;s story. I&;m thirty-four but look twenty-one. Maybe twenty-two at the most. I live in Maryland. Please read it. I&;m a writer, a songwriter, an artist. I do it all. I&;m an artist of life. I&;m an adventurer, I&;m the president of my development. Read the memoir. You won&;t be disappointed.&; A self-published memoir of a Maryland thirty-something found by author Mike Sacks at a garage sale in 2019 and re-published here for the first time. The memoir is written by the struggling poet and novelist Noah B., who is embedded in the mind and lifestyle of a perversely unexceptional American asshole named Randy. Like Pale Fire if it were about a Danny McBride-style fuckup, the story is both unmoored from time and eerily prescient of our own&;one so stupid and unbelievable that it requires a writer like Sacks to bring it to light. &;If you don&;t know who Mike Sacks is, well, you should. His writing is funnier than just about anyone&;s and now he has a podcast that is excellent. I say Hooray for Mike Sacks and everything he stands for.&; -David Sedaris &;He&;s the best kind of comedy writer; a bona fide weirdo with virtually no interest in satisfying anything other than his own personal obsessions.&; -Andy Richter &;Randy is a hilariously, unexpectedly poignant and eminently worthy addition to Sacks&; sociological/anthropological exploration of the American Jackass and his curious ways. Audacious and inspired.&; -Nathan Rabin &;The year's best memoir is about a man who shot a porno in a Baskin-Robbins.&; -Vice &;Randy does more to explain certain unexpected turns in this nation's political fate over the last couple of years than a bazillion think-pieces in the New York Times, Atlantic, New Yorker, MSNBC.&; -John Colapinto (The New Yorker) &;As the book&;s description alludes, Randy is an experiment in memoir, biography, and, well, sheer insanity.&; -Robobutt