Set in a lethal waterworld, The Skinner is the first novel in the far-future Spatterjay series by Neal Asher. The savage ocean planet of Spatterjay draws visitors with very different agendas. Erlin is immortal and seeks a reason to keep living. Janer hosts a hive mind, which paid him to find this planet. And Keech is an agent of Earth who's been dead for seven hundred years - but still hunts a notorious criminal. On Spatterjay's vast waterscapes, only the Old Captains risk the native life forms and their voracious appetites. However, they are now barely human. And somewhere out there Keech's target - the Skinner - runs wild. Keech pursues the Skinner for atrocities committed in a centuries-past war, fought with the alien Prador. But one of these Prador is fast approaching Spatterjay to exterminate witnesses to his own war crimes. And he won't spare its visitors. Continue the science fiction adventure with The Voyage of Sable Keech and Orbus.