The Isle of Andronicus; mountainous and surrounded by raging seas it is, perhaps most importantly, ruled by mice. Marcus, a timid mouse journalist, is still working his way up the pecking order and seeking the respect among contemporaries. What's a mouse to do but volunteer for hazardous expeditions in the name of a good story? For the purpose is to learn about 'The Origins of Mousekind'. If he gains some mysterious new powers along the way, well, that's just a bonus. Delving into the life and power struggles at the newspaper, A World Ruled by Mice also examines life on the island as a whole. With parts of the island uninhabitable and undiscovered, the two main towns of Phoenix and Troy remain bitter rivals as class distinctions run rife. Underscoring it all is the ever-present question: what form of life held sway before the rodents took over? And just how long can they remain at the top of the chain?