So says Face la.k., a. Jeremy the butlerl, to Subtle, with whom, along with the prostitute Dol Common, he forms a trio of confidence tricksters. The `stuff' he supplies are gulls who believe Subtle to be a wise man and an alchemist able to transform their fortunes by turning base metal into gold. With brilliant resourcefulness and wildly inventive wit, the trio of - who have occupied Jeremy's absent master's house in a time of plague - fleece the various victims who come to them in pursuit of their own greed. In this play Jonson satirizes the willing self-delusion of acquisitiveness. The wildness of the humour is contained by the fine precision of Jonson's plotting which encompasses and surpasses the skilful machinations of his creations. This brilliantly theatrical play can also be seen to be about theatre in its resourceful creativity and its relationship with the credulity of its audience.This student edition contains a fully annotated version of the playtext in modern spelling. The introduction includes an account of Ben Jonson's life and a detailed analysis of The Alchemist and its stage history.
The Alchemist is a sublimely accomplished satirical farce about dreams of self-refinement: people want to transform themselves into something nobler, richer, more powerful, and more virile just as base metal was touted to be transformed into gold in the alchemical process. The play is generally considered Ben Jonson's best comedy, deftly exposing human foible and foolishness to mockery and has continued to thrive in stage productions.
The Alchemist is a sublimely accomplished satirical farce about dreams of self-refinement: people want to transform themselves into something nobler, richer, more powerful, and more virile just as base metal was touted to be transformed into gold in the alchemical process. First performed in 1610 and set in the same contemporary London time period, the plot revolves around scheming con artists during their master’s absence from the house. Face, Subtle and Doll Common dupe a series of ‘customers’ whose desire for aggrandizement leads them to believe in the existence of the fabled “Philosopher’s Stone”. As their equipment boils over and blows up in the offstage kitchen, so their plot heats up and is exploded by the skeptical Surly and the arrival of their master who quietly pockets their proceeds and marries the rich widow to boot. The play is generally considered Ben Jonson's best comedy, deftly exposing human foible and foolishness to mockery and has continued to thrive in stage productions.