'A magnetic, all consuming read. A heart-breaking suspense which deals with love in all its forms.' Gytha Lodge, author of She Lies in Wait 'Intriguing, heart-breaking...a mystery novel with a beautiful character study at its heart.' Melanie Golding, author of Little Darlings ONE SON LIED. ONE SON DIED. Alice's son is dead. Indigo's son is accused of murder. Indigo is determined to prove her beloved Kane is innocent. Searching for evidence, she is helped by a kind stranger who takes an interest in her situation. Little does she know that her new friend has her own agenda. Alice can't tell Indigo who she really is. She wants to understand why her son was killed - and she needs to make sure that Indigo's efforts to free Kane don't put her remaining family at risk. But how long will it take for Indigo to discover her identity? And what other secrets will come out as she digs deeper? No one knows a son like his mother. But neither Alice nor Indigo know the whole truth about their boys, and what happened between them on that fateful night. Keep Him Close is a dark domestic drama from an award-winning writer. 'A tense drama' Sunday Times 'This is domestic noir as it's meant to be done; riveting and beautifully written.' Jo Spain, author of The Confession 'A moving account of family relationships and...devastating criminality' Literary Review 'A beautiful and heart-breaking story that I can't stop thinking about. Simply stunning.' Jo Jakeman, author of Safe House 'Powerfully written and packs a real emotional punch.' Cara Hunter, author of Close to Home