“Two gorillas and their chum. At the sound the people come. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!” As the trio dances to the music of the drums, moving and grooving through the jungle and into the city, they’re joined by a host of other animals and people who can’t resist the infectious rhythm. The delightful rhymes and lively, colorful pictures will soon have kids jumping in, too!
Take a rhythmic musical journey round the world with this fun rhyming picture book! “Two gorillas and their chum. At the sound the people come. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!” As the trio dances to the music of the drums, moving and grooving through the jungle and into the city, they’re joined by a host of other animals and people who can’t resist the infectious rhythm. The delightful rhymes and lively, colorful pictures will soon have kids jumping in, too!