What It's Like to Be a Bird (Adapted for Young Readers): From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing--What Birds Are Doing and Why

Автор: David Allen Sibley
Количество страниц: 208
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 76843314

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Описание товара: What It's Like to Be a Bird (Adapted for Young Readers): From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing--What Birds Are Doing and Why

"Featuring more than 300 full-color illustrations, this fascinating foray into the world of birds discusses their essential role in our ecosystem and their connection to us, helping readers gain a broader appreciation for our extraordinary feathered friends. Simultaneous eBook. Illustrations."
In this edition for young readers adapted from the bestselling work written and illustrated by David Allen Sibley, readers will find a unique treasure trove of fascinating facts about birds, paired with more than 300 full-color illustrations—some life-size! The extraordinary world of birds is brought to life on the page. Did you know that many species of birds have sensory abilities that surpass those of humans? Or that some birds spend the entire winter in the air, and even sleep while flying? Have you ever wondered why birds have feathers? Or why they are a particular color? Have you noticed that some birdsong sounds like a musical scale?Maybe you’re more interested in “how” questions: How do birds actually fly or swim? How and why do some birds migrate? How do they find food? How do they take care of their offspring?Birds are not only beautiful and fascinating, but they also serve an essential role in our ecosystem. This book shows how birds and humans are intrinsically connected, sometimes helping and sometimes hindering each other.Perfect for dedicated birdwatchers—or for anyone who simply delights in noticing birds in their neighborhood. Readers can explore, share, and return to the pages again and again, each time gaining a broader appreciation for our enchanting feathered friends.

Общая информация o: What It's Like to Be a Bird (Adapted for Young Readers): From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing--What Birds Are Doing and Why

ID товара: 76843314
Категория: Книги для подростков и молодежи
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,22 x 0,28 м, 0,57 кг
Издательство: Random House USA Inc
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Книги для подростков
Автор: David Allen Sibley
Количество страниц: 208
Год публикации: 2023

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What It's Like to Be a Bird (Adapted for Young Readers): From Flying to Nesting, Eating to Singing--What Birds Are Doing and Why
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