Titus, the archangel of Africa, must stop the reborn, rotting creatures that have gained vicious intelligence, from spreading across the world and asks the Hummingbird, an old and powerful woman who is his only hope, to stand by his side.
The archangel of Africa, Titus must stop the reborn, rotting creatures that have gained vicious intelligence, from spreading across the world and asks the Hummingbird, an old and powerful woman who is his only hope, to stand by his side. Original.
A horrifying secret rises in the aftermath of an archangelic war in New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh&;s deadly and beautiful Guild Hunter world. . . .The Archangel of Death and the Archangel of Disease may be gone but their legacy of evil lives on&;especially in Africa, where the shambling, rotting creatures called the reborn have gained a glimmer of vicious intelligence.It is up to Titus, archangel of this vast continent, to stop the reborn from spreading across the world. Titus can&;t do it alone, but of the surviving powerful angels and archangels, large numbers are wounded, while the rest are fighting a surge of murderous vampires.There is no one left . . . but the Hummingbird. Old, powerful, her mind long a broken kaleidoscope. Now, she must stand at Titus&;s side against a tide of death upon a discovery more chilling than any other. For the Archangel of Disease has left them one last terrible gift . . . .