'A LOT OF US WOULD LIKE A RUBIN IN OUR LIVES' The Times 'EXTRAORDINARY' Viv Groskop 'FASCINATING, PERSUASIVE' Guardian 'A LIFE-CHANGER' The Pool HABITS ARE THE INVISIBLE ARCHITECTURE OF EVERYDAY LIFE. Most of us have a habit we'd like to change, and there's no shortage of expert advice. But as we all know from tough experience, there is no magic 'one-size-fits-all' solution for everything from weight loss to personal organisation. In Better Than Before, Gretchen Rubin explores her theory of 'The Four Tendencies' dividing people into four basic groups: Upholder, Obliger, Questioner and Rebel. She answers the most perplexing questions about habits with her signature mix of rigorous research and engaging storytelling (and a personality quiz to establish which of the Four Tendencies fits you): - Why do we find it tough to create a habit for something we love to do? - How can we keep our healthy habits when we're surrounded by temptations? - How can we help someone else change a habit? Rubin reveals the true secret to habit change: first, we must know ourselves. When we shape our habits to suit ourselves, we can find success- even if we've failed before. Whether you want to eat more healthfully, stop checking your phone, or finish a project, the invaluable ideas in Better Than Before will start you working on your own habits - even before you've finished the book. ALSO BY GRETCHEN RUBIN The Four Tendencies: the indispensable personality profiles that reveal how to make your life better AND Outer Order Inner Calm: declutter and organize to make more room for happiness AND Happier At Home: a year-long experiment in making the everyday extraordinary