Presents information on the anatomy of core muscles and provides basic exercises for core development, along with specific core exercises to enhance performance in such sports as basketball, soccer, swimming, and track.
Editor Willardson presents book on core muscle development. The material is divided into general and sport-specific chapters. The general chapters start with anatomy and biomechanics, followed by assessment of strength and stability and a discussion of muscle activity during exercise. Chapters four and five make up the core of the book, with a long list of photo-illustrated core development exercises in chapter four and a short primer on strategic construction of a training program in chapter five. Use of instability, e.g. by training with dumbbells rather than machines, to force engagement of trunk stabilizing muscles is emphasized, as is the role of neurologically based motor control complementary to muscular strength. Sport-specific chapters list core exercises to cross-train for baseball and softball, basketball, football, golf, ice hockey, soccer, swimming, tennis, track/field, volleyball, and wrestling. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (