Everyday Optimism: How to be Present and Positive at Work, at Home and in Love New edition

Автор: Dani DiPirro
Количество страниц: 208
Год публикации: 2020
ID товара: 69880346

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Описание товара: Everyday Optimism: How to be Present and Positive at Work, at Home and in Love New edition

An uplifting handbook for living in each moment as positively and presently as possible - written and illustrated by Instagram sensation Dani DiPirro, who, after years of struggling, figured out how to make the most of each day and now shares her tips with others to help them enjoy life more, too.'Happiness is available to us right now, and Positively Present helps us shift our thinking and awareness to access it. I'm a huge fan of Dani's work.'Lori Deschene, author and founder of tinybuddha.com (close to 3 million monthly readers) In this practical guide to remaining optimistic in tough times, social media hit Dani DiPirro expands on content from her popular online platforms, exploring how to be more 'positively present' in all aspects of life and providing specific, action-oriented suggestions to help achieve goals such as creating a nurturing home, building a fulfilling career, developing great relationships, learning to appreciate true love and having the courage to really embrace change. The book contains more than 30 practical activities relating to the key themes of home, work, friendship, love and change, which form the five main chapters in the book. There are also special features such as 'Positively Present Principles', a list of '52 Ways to Live in the Moment' and a range of typographic-led, mono illustrations that playfully highlight key messages. All in all, this insightful guide provides a programme for increased everyday optimism that will help readers achieve an all-round more positively framed, 'glass half-full' kind of life.

Общая информация o: Everyday Optimism: How to be Present and Positive at Work, at Home and in Love New edition

ID товара: 69880346
Категория: Самоучители
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Watkins Media Limited
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Персональное развитие
Книга с отрывком: Нет
Автор: Dani DiPirro
Количество страниц: 208
Год публикации: 2020

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