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Увлажняет, смягчает и подтягивает кожу шеи. Крем для ухода за шеей Rivage - хорошее решение. Он увлажняет, успокаивает и подтягивает кожу, помогая бороться с тонкими линиями и морщинами. Состоит из натуральных увлажняющих средств и минералов Мертвого моря, быстро впитывается и обеспечивает максимальный уход за кожей. Тип кожи: все типы кожи Компания RIVAGE основана в 1996 году. Продукты RIVAGE натуральные, а не синтетические, они сделаны из ингредиентов, которым можно доверять! RIVAGE имеет сильную профессиональную команду, от разработки продукта до дизайна. RIVAGE - один из ведущих мировых брендов средств по уходу за кожей. Мертвое море, которое является домом для основных природных минералов и существует уже 3000 лет, является крупнейшим в мире солевым природным спа-центром. Уникальная среда Мертвого моря создает богатый комплекс минералов, который очищает, стимулирует, питает и восстанавливает кожу. Каждый продукт RIVAGE тщательно разработан, чтобы ежедневно поддерживать и дополнять вашу естественную красоту, обеспечивая энергию, свежесть и уверенность в себе. Ваша кожа и волосы заслуживают того, чтобы их питали витаминами и минералами. Именно RIVAGE сочетает в себе элементы природы с особыми минералами Мертвого моря. Продукты RIVAGE изготовлены из воды, соли и грязи Мертвого моря, которые содержат 23 природных минерала, таких как калий, магний, кальций, натрий, йод и т. Д., А также 64 натуральных ингредиента (например, алоэ, авокадо, яблоки, орехи, различные травы и т.д.). Эти уникальные комбинации естественным образом при постоянном использовании улучшают обновление, увлажнение и питание клеток кожи. В продуктах RIVAGE используются натуральные, безопасные для кожи ингредиенты, поэтому они не содержат синтетических или химических веществ, таких как нефть, парафин.  Природа богата натуральными элементами, которые успокаивают, увлажняют и оживляют кожу. RIVAGE использует специальные природные минералы и экстракты растений, и это отражается на вашей коже! Оживите, освежите и питайте кожу с помощью RIVAGE.  
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5403 7284
A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.
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37390 48497
A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.
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26890 34940
A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.
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Быстрая доставка
A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.
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35890 46667