Commuting is hell -- this is your survival guideDelays, price rises, leaves on the line, rail replacement bus services, snowflakes, sunshine, rain, the list of excuses is endless.
Delays, price rises, leaves on the line, rail replacement bus services, snowflakes, sunshine, rain, the list of excuses is endless. Forget enjoyment, commuting is about survival. This is your guide to getting through it. Packed with quizzes (the most expensive ticket per mile?), trivia (the longest bus diversion ever), tips and techniques (seat etiquette, armpit dodging), a commuter's lexicon (Comfort paradox, Seat remorse), complaint letter templates and more, this is everything you need to channel your fury and make the best of the journey to work. This book is a call to arms and a sign of solidarity amongst commuters. Whenever you see a fellow traveller with a copy, give them the secret sign of the commuter: ignore them completely, even though your lips are closer to theirs than they usually are to those of your beloved. But inside you both will know that you are part of a silent army. We are legion. We are commuters. We are coming. But we will probably be at least half an hour late.