Godel Operation

Автор: James Cambias
Количество страниц: 400
Год публикации: 2021
ID товара: 58415463
Продавец: Knygynas Krisostomus 4.9
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Продавец: Knygynas Krisostomus 4.9
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Описание товара: Godel Operation

"A DROID AND HIS BOY, ON A SEARCH FOR A LEGENDARY WEAPON Daslakh is an AI with a problem. Its favorite human, a young man named Zee, is in love with a woman who never existed - and he will scour the Solar System to find her. But in the Tenth Millennium abillion worlds circle the Sun-everything from terraformed planets to artificial habitats, home to a quadrillion beings. Daslakh's nicely settled life gets more complicated when Zee helps a woman named Adya escape a gang of crooks. This gets the pair caught up in the hunt for the Godel Trigger, a legendary weapon left over from an ancient war between humans and machines-which could spell the end of civilization. In their search, they face a criminal cat and her henchmen, a paranoid supermind with a giant laser, the greatest thief in history, and a woman who might actually be Zee's lost love. It's up to Daslakh to save civilization, keep Zee's love life on the right track-and make sure that nobody discovers the real secret of the Godel Trigger"--
Science fiction at its sense-of-wonder best. A wild chase through the billion worlds of the Tenth Millennium in search of a mythical weapon that could save civilization&;or doom it! A DROID AND HIS BOY, ON A SEARCH FOR A LEGENDARY WEAPON Daslakh is an AI with a problem. Its favorite human, a young man named Zee, is in love with a woman who never existed &; and he will scour the Solar System to find her. But in the Tenth Millennium a billion worlds circle the Sun&;everything from terraformed planets to artificial habitats, home to a quadrillion beings. Daslakh's nicely settled life gets more complicated when Zee helps a woman named Adya escape a gang of crooks. This gets the pair caught up in the hunt for the Godel Trigger, a legendary weapon left over from an ancient war between humans and machines&;which could spell the end of civilization. In their search, they face a criminal cat and her henchmen, a paranoid supermind with a giant laser, the greatest thief in history, and a woman who might actually be Zee's lost love. It's up to Daslakh to save civilization, keep Zee's love life on the right track&;and make sure that nobody discovers the real secret of the Godel Trigger. Praise for Arkad's World: &;Far-flung adventure . . . Cambias offers up an entertaining coming-of-age novel filled with action and surprises. His aliens are suitably non-human in mannerisms, attitudes, and objectives, and his worldbuilding suggests a vast universe ready for further exploration. Readers . . . will find this hits the spot.&;&;Publishers Weekly &;. . . a classic quest story, a well-paced series of encounters with different folk along the way, building momentum toward a final confrontation with Arkad's past . . . (with] a delicious twist to the end.&;&;ALA Booklist &;Cambias has achieved a feat of world-building: an expansive, believable setting with fascinating aliens, compelling mysteries, and a rich sense of history.&;&;Bookpage &;Drop a teenage boy into a distant planet chock full of colorful aliens&;with troubles all their own. Stir, flavor, apply heat. A tour de force in the field, and great, quick fun.&;&;Gregory Benford Praise for the work of James L. Cambias: &;Beautifully written, with a story that captures the imagination the way SF should.&;&;Booklist, starred review &;An engaging nail-biter that is exciting, fun and a satisfying read.&;&;The Qwillery '&;An impressive debut by a gifted writer.&;&;Publishers Weekly, starred review &;An exceptionally thoughtful, searching and intriguing debut.&;&;Kirkus, starred review &;James Cambias will be one of the century's major names in hard science fiction.&;&;Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award&;winning author of Red Planet Blues &;Fast-paced, pure quill hard science fiction. . . . Cambias delivers adroit plot pivots that keep the suspense coming.&;&;Gregory Benford, Nebula Award-winning author of Timescape

Общая информация o: Godel Operation

ID товара: 58415463
Категория: Фантастика, фэнтези
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,4 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Baen Books
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Не указано
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Фантастика, книги для взрослых
Книга с отрывком: Нет
Продавец: KATARATA, Knygynas Krisostomus, MOSHOP
Автор: James Cambias
Количество страниц: 400
Год публикации: 2021

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