FINALIST FOR THE 2022 LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FOR LESBIAN MEMOIR 'A muscular, canny memoir . . . I couldn't put it down. What a fucking gorgeous book' CARMEN MARIA MACHADO 'Entertaining' New York Times 'Absolutely not to be missed' Vogue 'A gripping story' Esquire Chris Belcher appeared destined for a life of conventional femininity after she took first place in an infant beauty contest - a minor glory that followed her around her small, working-class town in rural West Virginia. But when she came out as queer, the conservative community that had once celebrated its prettiest baby turned on her. A decade later, living in Los Angeles and trying to stay afloat during a PhD program, Belcher plunges into a double life as both student and sex worker, branding herself as L.A.'s Renowned Lesbian Dominatrix. As she moves between the embodied world of the pro-domme and the abstract realm of academia, she discovers how lessons from the classroom can apply to the dungeon and vice versa. In this searingly funny and perceptive memoir, we see through eyes of a dominatrix-turned-academic how power, shame and desire can be explored and subverted.

Диаметр: 30 см
Тип: Настенные
Материал: Стекло
ID товара: 80505261
Продавец: Decormat 4.9
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БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Вильнюсе, в магазине (Проспект Лайсвес 75)

23 января


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23 января


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23 января


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23 января


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Продавец: Decormat 4.9
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Описание товара: FINALIST FOR THE 2022 LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FOR LESBIAN MEMOIR 'A muscular, canny memoir . . . I couldn't put it down. What a fucking gorgeous book' CARMEN MARIA MACHADO 'Entertaining' New York Times 'Absolutely not to be missed' Vogue 'A gripping story' Esquire Chris Belcher appeared destined for a life of conventional femininity after she took first place in an infant beauty contest - a minor glory that followed her around her small, working-class town in rural West Virginia. But when she came out as queer, the conservative community that had once celebrated its prettiest baby turned on her. A decade later, living in Los Angeles and trying to stay afloat during a PhD program, Belcher plunges into a double life as both student and sex worker, branding herself as L.A.'s Renowned Lesbian Dominatrix. As she moves between the embodied world of the pro-domme and the abstract realm of academia, she discovers how lessons from the classroom can apply to the dungeon and vice versa. In this searingly funny and perceptive memoir, we see through eyes of a dominatrix-turned-academic how power, shame and desire can be explored and subverted.

Aukštos kokybės stiklinis sieninis laikrodis.

  • Jie pagaminti iš 4 mm storio grūdinto saugaus stiklo, kuris yra atsparus įbrėžimams, smūgiams, dėmės ir vandeniui.

  • Mūsų gaminiai stebina savo nepaprastu 3D gylio efektu ir stipriomis bei sočiomis spalvomis. Užtikriname spalvos atsparumą UV apsauga.

Suteikite savo interjerui elegancijos ir funkcionalumo su mūsų grūdinto stiklo laikrodžiais. Kiekvienas laikrodis yra unikalus modernaus dizaino, tvirtos konstrukcijos ir tikslaus laiko matavimo derinys dėl tylaus kvarcinio mechanizmo.

Naudojame grūdintą stiklą, kuris ne tik suteikia laikrodžiams elegancijos, bet ir užtikrina patvarumą bei atsparumą įbrėžimams. Šis stiklas taip pat pasižymi išskirtiniu aiškumu, kuris išryškina kiekvieną dizaino detalę. Kiekviena prekė yra pagaminta specialiai klientui po užsakymo pateikimo. Taigi galite būti tikri, kad tai ypatinga ir unikali.

Prekė yra šviežiai ir specialiai sukurta kaip tik jums.

  • Laikrodžius lengva surinkti. Prie kiekvieno užsakymo pridedamos baterijos ir rankos. Be to, grūdintas stiklas leidžia lengvai išlaikyti nepriekaištingą laikrodį, tereikia jį nuvalyti drėgna šluoste.

  • Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad skirtingų gamintojų monitoriai nustatomi skirtingai, todėl pristatomo vaizdo spalvos gali skirtis nuo jūsų ekrane rodomų spalvų.

  • ESG apsauginis stiklas negali būti ir neturi būti supjaustytas pagal dydį. Naudojant ESG stiklą, bet koks tolesnis apdorojimas neišvengiamai sunaikina stiklą.

Общая информация o: FINALIST FOR THE 2022 LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FOR LESBIAN MEMOIR 'A muscular, canny memoir . . . I couldn't put it down. What a fucking gorgeous book' CARMEN MARIA MACHADO 'Entertaining' New York Times 'Absolutely not to be missed' Vogue 'A gripping story' Esquire Chris Belcher appeared destined for a life of conventional femininity after she took first place in an infant beauty contest - a minor glory that followed her around her small, working-class town in rural West Virginia. But when she came out as queer, the conservative community that had once celebrated its prettiest baby turned on her. A decade later, living in Los Angeles and trying to stay afloat during a PhD program, Belcher plunges into a double life as both student and sex worker, branding herself as L.A.'s Renowned Lesbian Dominatrix. As she moves between the embodied world of the pro-domme and the abstract realm of academia, she discovers how lessons from the classroom can apply to the dungeon and vice versa. In this searingly funny and perceptive memoir, we see through eyes of a dominatrix-turned-academic how power, shame and desire can be explored and subverted.

ID товара: 80505261
Категория: Часы
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,33 x 0,31 x 0,06 м, 2 кг
Цвет: Разноцветный
Необходимы батарейки: Да
Продавец: EasyShop, Decormat, Minced
Диаметр: 30 см
Тип: Настенные
Материал: Стекло
Правила ухода за товаром: Инструкция

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FINALIST FOR THE 2022 LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FOR LESBIAN MEMOIR 'A muscular, canny memoir . . . I couldn't put it down. What a fucking gorgeous book' CARMEN MARIA MACHADO 'Entertaining' New York Times 'Absolutely not to be missed' Vogue 'A gripping story' Esquire Chris Belcher appeared destined for a life of conventional femininity after she took first place in an infant beauty contest - a minor glory that followed her around her small, working-class town in rural West Virginia. But when she came out as queer, the conservative community that had once celebrated its prettiest baby turned on her. A decade later, living in Los Angeles and trying to stay afloat during a PhD program, Belcher plunges into a double life as both student and sex worker, branding herself as L.A.'s Renowned Lesbian Dominatrix. As she moves between the embodied world of the pro-domme and the abstract realm of academia, she discovers how lessons from the classroom can apply to the dungeon and vice versa. In this searingly funny and perceptive memoir, we see through eyes of a dominatrix-turned-academic how power, shame and desire can be explored and subverted.
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Рекомендуем вместе с: FINALIST FOR THE 2022 LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FOR LESBIAN MEMOIR 'A muscular, canny memoir . . . I couldn't put it down. What a fucking gorgeous book' CARMEN MARIA MACHADO 'Entertaining' New York Times 'Absolutely not to be missed' Vogue 'A gripping story' Esquire Chris Belcher appeared destined for a life of conventional femininity after she took first place in an infant beauty contest - a minor glory that followed her around her small, working-class town in rural West Virginia. But when she came out as queer, the conservative community that had once celebrated its prettiest baby turned on her. A decade later, living in Los Angeles and trying to stay afloat during a PhD program, Belcher plunges into a double life as both student and sex worker, branding herself as L.A.'s Renowned Lesbian Dominatrix. As she moves between the embodied world of the pro-domme and the abstract realm of academia, she discovers how lessons from the classroom can apply to the dungeon and vice versa. In this searingly funny and perceptive memoir, we see through eyes of a dominatrix-turned-academic how power, shame and desire can be explored and subverted.


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Продавец: Minced 4.3
(800 oценок покупателей)

БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Вильнюсе, в магазине (Проспект Лайсвес 75)

23 января

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5434 7321
Продавец: EasyShop 4.2
(732 oценки покупателей)

БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Вильнюсе, в магазине (Проспект Лайсвес 75)

22 января

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