A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.

Материал: Массив дерева
Размер спального места: Не указано
Тип: Каркасы кроватей
ID товара: 88246475
Продавец: Pro Baltic 4.3
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1239 / мес.
При условии, что сумма кредита 37390 сроком на 60 месяца, условия будут следующими: ежемесячный взнос - 1239 , годовая процентная ставка - 19,80%, комиссия за ежемесячное администрирование договора - 0.6%, комиссия за составление договора - 3%, BVKKMN - 36,09%, общая сумма, уплаченная получателем потребительского кредита составит 74340 .
Поставщик услуг: «AS Inbank filialas».

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19 марта


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Продавец: Pro Baltic 4.3

Другие также интересовались

Описание товара: A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.

Lovos rėmas, pilkas, 150x200cm, medžio masyvo

Размеры мягкой мебели, приведенные в описании, являются номинальными. Поскольку в производстве мебели используются мягкие материалы, такие как пенополиуретан, фактические размеры могут отличаться на +/- 4 см от указанных в описании. Если гобелен мебели с узорами, он может не совпадать с изображенным на фотографии. Обратите внимание, что товары, находящиеся в интернет-магазине, по цвету, форме или другим параметрам могут не соответствовать фактическим товарам, относительно характеристик дисплея, используемого Покупателем, и его настроек.

Твердой древесины

Тем, кто мечтает о высоком качестве, роскоши и прочности, должна понравиться мебель из массива дерева. Ее основу составляет натуральная древесина, которая шлифуется, лакируется и иначе обрабатывается, – хотя сам процесс длится долго, этот материал уже множество лет считается одним из самых ценных.

Самыми яркими достоинствами этой мебели являются прочность и долгий срок службы. Раньше древесина использовалась для постройки домов, мостов и других инфраструктур – если этот материал может выдерживать такие нагрузки, сложно даже представить, какой прочности будет мебель, стоящая у нас дома!

Утверждается, что мебель из массива дерева придают дому ценность: эти изделия выглядят особенно элегантно и комфортабельно, однако в то же время излучают нежный уют, поэтому их легко приспособить к комнате любого стиля. Эти впечатления еще больше усиливает приятная и нежная поверхность этой мебели.

Можно утверждать, что A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others. – нестареющая классика, долгие годы не покидающая список самых популярных тенденций. Массив из дерева особенно популярен в это время, когда в моде природные мотивы, натуральность и экологичность, – все эти качества есть у деревянной мебели.

Древесина довольно легко обрабатывается, поэтому в ассортименте этой мебели можно увидеть различные формы, разные оттенки или интересные изгибы. Деревянная мебель никогда не остается незамеченной, а для ее ухода также не приходится уделять много внимания. Кроме того, массив дерева без труда реставрируется.

Хотя, желая приобрести мебель из массива дерева, понадобится немного больше инвестиций, с течением лет она полностью окупится!

A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others. Твердой древесины

Изображения носят исключительно иллюстративный характер и предназначены для демонстрации характеристик продукта. Товар, показанный на рисунке, не отражает конкретную модель продукта.

Практичный cтиль

Тем, кто хочет создать дома удобное и функциональное пространство, подойдет практичная мебель. Ценности этого стиля связываются с изящной обстановкой, не требующей много внимания, которую можно создать практически в любой комнате.

Практично то, что функционально, поэтому и мебель этого стиля может предложить множество полезных качеств и особенностей. Если мебель выполняет больше одной функции, ее можно смело называть практичной! Это означает, что эти изделия можно приспособить в помещениях разного размера и планировки и использовать их не только по основному назначению.

Практичная мебель компактного размера, ее легко перенести на другое место, а иногда можно и сложить, таким образом освобождая еще больше комнатного места. По этой причине удается создать минималистическую и эргономичную обстановку, в которой остается места и для других дизайнерских решений, и для удобного прохода. Говоря иначе, A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others. легко вольется в создаваемую обстановку и не будет мешать осуществлять самые неожиданные решения.

Еще одним свойством практичной мебели является легкий уход – для ее производства используются материалы, не притягивающие грязь либо ее идеально маскирующие. Для отделки выбираются самые разные цвета: если материал легко пачкается, используются более пестрые узоры или нейтральные оттенки, а если за поверхностью легко ухаживать, то превалируют более яркие акценты. Такой баланс обеспечивает, что в любом случае эту мебель не нужно будет тщательно беречь.

Мебель практичного стиля не имеет специфических деталей, поэтому ее легко сочетать с любыми другими дизайнерскими решениями. Ее второе имя – универсальность, поэтому, выбрав такую мебель, Вы без труда найдете подходящее для нее место в своем доме.

A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others. Практичный cтиль

Изображения носят исключительно иллюстративный характер и предназначены для демонстрации характеристик продукта. Товар, показанный на рисунке, не отражает конкретную модель продукта.

Читать дальше

Общая информация o: A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.

ID товара: 88246475
Категория: Кровати
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,75 x 1,5 x 2 м, 28 кг
Матрас: Без матраса
Ящик для белья: Нет
Цвет: Серый
Решетки: Не указано
Материал: Массив дерева
Стиль: Практтичный
Длина: 200 см
Ширина: 150 см
Высота: 104 см
Торговая марка: vidaXL
Страна происхождения: Не указано
Продавец: Pro Baltic
Размер спального места: Не указано
Тип: Каркасы кроватей
Вид: vidaXL, Каркасы кроватей
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары vidaXL
Правила ухода за товаром: Инструкция

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.
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Рекомендуем вместе с: A collection of insightful and personal essays on the role of food in our lives In an age of mass factory farming, processed and pre-packaged meals, and unprecedented food waste, how does one eat ethically? Featuring a highly diverse ensemble of award-winning writers, chefs, farmers, activists, educators, and journalists, Good Eats invites readers to think about what it means to eat according to individual and collective values. These essays are not lectures about what you should eat, nor an advertisement for the latest diet. Instead, the contributors tell stories of real peoplereal bellies, real bodiesincluding the writers themselves, who seek to understand the experiences, cultures, histories, and systems that have shaped their eating and their ethics. A wide array of themes, topics, and perspectives inform the selections within Good Eats, contributing to an enhanced understanding of how we eat as individuals and in groups. From factory farming and the exploitative labor practices surrounding chocolate production, to Indigenous foodways and home and community gardens, the topics featured in this collection describe the wider context of sustenance and ethical choices. Good Eats will encourage you to become more mindful of what and how you eatand to consider the larger systems and cultures that shape that eating. These essays turn mundane meals into remarkable symbols of how we live, encouraging each of us to find food that is both sustaining and sustainable. Contributors include Ross Gay, DeLyssa Begay, Lynn Z. Bloom, Michael P. Branch, Nikky Finney, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Barbara J. King, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Leah Penniman, Adrienne Su, Ira Sukrungruang, Tina Vasquez, Nicole Walker, Thérèse Nelson, Lisa Knopp, Jane Brox, Maureen Stanton, Taté Walker, and many others.


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