In 1942 life expectancy at birth was 66 for women and 60 for men. Death was usually due to degenerative and infectious diseases. The greatest postwar success in the fight against disease was the establishment of the NHS and care that was free at the point of delivery. Life expectancy rose dramatically, but since 2011 incremental improvements have stalled and even, in some regions, begun to reverse. Infant mortality rates have crept up and the postcode lottery of health provision underscores the level of social inequality in the UK. Good health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the collective of physical, social and mental well-being. It is the product of nutrition and genetics, of healthy lifestyles and preventative health interventions. It is the interaction between the conditions in which we live, work, play and age. Yet access to many of the things that make and keep us healthy are not evenly distributed in the population. Achieving good health is then deeply entwined with all aspects of society and cannot simply be solved by policies in one area alone. In our rediscovery of Beveridge, the shadow of the pandemic looms large. It is has never been more urgent to address the underlying causes of Disease. And it has never been clearer that these determinants are not only social or physiological, but also political.

Тип: Ручки
ID товара: 81518590
Бесплатная доставка
Продавец: vidaXL 4.5
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9 декабря

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Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

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Описание товара: In 1942 life expectancy at birth was 66 for women and 60 for men. Death was usually due to degenerative and infectious diseases. The greatest postwar success in the fight against disease was the establishment of the NHS and care that was free at the point of delivery. Life expectancy rose dramatically, but since 2011 incremental improvements have stalled and even, in some regions, begun to reverse. Infant mortality rates have crept up and the postcode lottery of health provision underscores the level of social inequality in the UK. Good health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the collective of physical, social and mental well-being. It is the product of nutrition and genetics, of healthy lifestyles and preventative health interventions. It is the interaction between the conditions in which we live, work, play and age. Yet access to many of the things that make and keep us healthy are not evenly distributed in the population. Achieving good health is then deeply entwined with all aspects of society and cannot simply be solved by policies in one area alone. In our rediscovery of Beveridge, the shadow of the pandemic looms large. It is has never been more urgent to address the underlying causes of Disease. And it has never been clearer that these determinants are not only social or physiological, but also political.

Šios vintažiniu dizainu pasižyminčios spintelės rankenėlės suteiks jūsų namuose esančioms spintelėms elegancijos. Patvari medžiaga: durų rankenėlė yra pagaminta iš patvaraus, šlifuota apdaila pasižyminčio nerūdijančio plieno, tad ji atspari korozijai ir rūdijimui.Platus pritaikymas: stalčiaus rankenėlė tinka įvairioms spintelėms, stalčiams, indaujoms, drabužių spintoms, rakinamoms spintelėms, mediniams dėklams ir kt.Praktiškas dizainas: siekiant užtikrinti paprastą suėmimą, spintelės atidarymo rankenėlė pasižymi T formos dizainu. Ji taip pat specialiai sukurta su tvirtomis jungtimis, tad jums nereikės jaudintis, kad ji nukris ar atsilaisvins.Nupjaunamas varžtas: bambukinis varžtas gali būti nupjautas, taip užtikrinant, kad, atsižvelgiant į jūsų poreikius, jis tiks įvairių storių plokštėms.

Общая информация o: In 1942 life expectancy at birth was 66 for women and 60 for men. Death was usually due to degenerative and infectious diseases. The greatest postwar success in the fight against disease was the establishment of the NHS and care that was free at the point of delivery. Life expectancy rose dramatically, but since 2011 incremental improvements have stalled and even, in some regions, begun to reverse. Infant mortality rates have crept up and the postcode lottery of health provision underscores the level of social inequality in the UK. Good health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the collective of physical, social and mental well-being. It is the product of nutrition and genetics, of healthy lifestyles and preventative health interventions. It is the interaction between the conditions in which we live, work, play and age. Yet access to many of the things that make and keep us healthy are not evenly distributed in the population. Achieving good health is then deeply entwined with all aspects of society and cannot simply be solved by policies in one area alone. In our rediscovery of Beveridge, the shadow of the pandemic looms large. It is has never been more urgent to address the underlying causes of Disease. And it has never been clearer that these determinants are not only social or physiological, but also political.

ID товара: 81518590
Категория: Ручки для мебели
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,2 x 0,1 x 0,2 м, 0,001 кг
Продавец: vidaXL, shumee, Greatstore Sp. z o. o., Mandarinai, Shopme
Тип: Ручки
Торговая марка: vidaXL
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары vidaXL
Правила ухода за товаром: Инструкция

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In 1942 life expectancy at birth was 66 for women and 60 for men. Death was usually due to degenerative and infectious diseases. The greatest postwar success in the fight against disease was the establishment of the NHS and care that was free at the point of delivery. Life expectancy rose dramatically, but since 2011 incremental improvements have stalled and even, in some regions, begun to reverse. Infant mortality rates have crept up and the postcode lottery of health provision underscores the level of social inequality in the UK. Good health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the collective of physical, social and mental well-being. It is the product of nutrition and genetics, of healthy lifestyles and preventative health interventions. It is the interaction between the conditions in which we live, work, play and age. Yet access to many of the things that make and keep us healthy are not evenly distributed in the population. Achieving good health is then deeply entwined with all aspects of society and cannot simply be solved by policies in one area alone. In our rediscovery of Beveridge, the shadow of the pandemic looms large. It is has never been more urgent to address the underlying causes of Disease. And it has never been clearer that these determinants are not only social or physiological, but also political.
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Рекомендуем вместе с: In 1942 life expectancy at birth was 66 for women and 60 for men. Death was usually due to degenerative and infectious diseases. The greatest postwar success in the fight against disease was the establishment of the NHS and care that was free at the point of delivery. Life expectancy rose dramatically, but since 2011 incremental improvements have stalled and even, in some regions, begun to reverse. Infant mortality rates have crept up and the postcode lottery of health provision underscores the level of social inequality in the UK. Good health is not simply the absence of disease. It is the collective of physical, social and mental well-being. It is the product of nutrition and genetics, of healthy lifestyles and preventative health interventions. It is the interaction between the conditions in which we live, work, play and age. Yet access to many of the things that make and keep us healthy are not evenly distributed in the population. Achieving good health is then deeply entwined with all aspects of society and cannot simply be solved by policies in one area alone. In our rediscovery of Beveridge, the shadow of the pandemic looms large. It is has never been more urgent to address the underlying causes of Disease. And it has never been clearer that these determinants are not only social or physiological, but also political.

Предложения других продавцов (5)

*Для предложений конкретного продавца действуют только те условия, которые указаны возле продаваемого им товара, и за всю информацию в них (включая цены) ответственен конкретный продавец.

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(318 oценок покупателей)
0 €

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