Встречай 2025 год! Возможно, лучшее предложение на рынке!*

Стекло Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, spends his childhood on the bustling streets of Lahore, begging and running errands in order to survive. One day he meets an old Tibetan lama, and he decides to accompany him on his travels across the Indian Subcontinent. After falling into the hands of his father's old regiment, however, Kim is separated from the lama and sent away to school. There, his natural flair for espionage is spotted, and he soon finds himself among the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, playing a crucial part in the secret service's confrontation withRussia known as the “Great Game”.With its peerless evocation of the teeming cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of late-nineteenth-century India, Kim is widely considered to be Kipling's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels written in the English language.

Тип: Стекло
Совместимость: Xiaomi Redmi Watch 4
ID товара: 85730230
Продавец: apgo_eu 4.4
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БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Вильнюсе, в магазине (Проспект Лайсвес 75)

Во вторник, 21 января


БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Вильнюсе, в магазине (Ул. Упес 9 (ТЦ «CUP»))

Во вторник, 21 января


БЕСПЛАТНО заберите в Каунасе, в Клайпеде, в Шяуляй, в Паневежисе, в магазине

Во вторник, 21 января


Забери в пакомате Omniva

Во вторник, 21 января


Заберите в терминале Smartpost

Во вторник, 21 января


Доставим на дом

Во вторник, 21 января


Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

Продавец: apgo_eu 4.4

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Описание товара: Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, spends his childhood on the bustling streets of Lahore, begging and running errands in order to survive. One day he meets an old Tibetan lama, and he decides to accompany him on his travels across the Indian Subcontinent. After falling into the hands of his father's old regiment, however, Kim is separated from the lama and sent away to school. There, his natural flair for espionage is spotted, and he soon finds himself among the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, playing a crucial part in the secret service's confrontation withRussia known as the “Great Game”.With its peerless evocation of the teeming cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of late-nineteenth-century India, Kim is widely considered to be Kipling's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels written in the English language.

Žingsnis po žingsnio instrukcijos: Žr. vaizdo instrukcijų nuorodą aprašyme arba ant pakuotės. Nuskaitykite QR kodą.

Ekrano apsaugos yra suformuotos ir turi reikiamus išpjovimus ir (arba) skylutes, pritaikytas jūsų pasirinktam įrenginiui.

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Į rinkinį įeina:
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3 x lipnus pagrindas, kad būtų lengviau surinkti;

Žingsnis po žingsnio instrukcijos: Žr. vaizdo instrukcijų nuorodą aprašyme arba ant pakuotės. Nuskaitykite QR kodą.

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Общая информация o: Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, spends his childhood on the bustling streets of Lahore, begging and running errands in order to survive. One day he meets an old Tibetan lama, and he decides to accompany him on his travels across the Indian Subcontinent. After falling into the hands of his father's old regiment, however, Kim is separated from the lama and sent away to school. There, his natural flair for espionage is spotted, and he soon finds himself among the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, playing a crucial part in the secret service's confrontation withRussia known as the “Great Game”.With its peerless evocation of the teeming cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of late-nineteenth-century India, Kim is widely considered to be Kipling's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels written in the English language.

ID товара: 85730230
Категория: Аксессуары для смарт-часов и браслетов
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,23 x 0,19 x 0,08 м, 0,1 кг
Торговая марка: Apgo
Продавец: apgo_eu
Тип: Стекло
Совместимость: Xiaomi Redmi Watch 4
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Apgo

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Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, spends his childhood on the bustling streets of Lahore, begging and running errands in order to survive. One day he meets an old Tibetan lama, and he decides to accompany him on his travels across the Indian Subcontinent. After falling into the hands of his father's old regiment, however, Kim is separated from the lama and sent away to school. There, his natural flair for espionage is spotted, and he soon finds himself among the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, playing a crucial part in the secret service's confrontation withRussia known as the “Great Game”.With its peerless evocation of the teeming cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of late-nineteenth-century India, Kim is widely considered to be Kipling's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels written in the English language.
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Рекомендуем вместе с: Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, spends his childhood on the bustling streets of Lahore, begging and running errands in order to survive. One day he meets an old Tibetan lama, and he decides to accompany him on his travels across the Indian Subcontinent. After falling into the hands of his father's old regiment, however, Kim is separated from the lama and sent away to school. There, his natural flair for espionage is spotted, and he soon finds himself among the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, playing a crucial part in the secret service's confrontation withRussia known as the “Great Game”.With its peerless evocation of the teeming cities, breathtaking landscapes and diverse cultures of late-nineteenth-century India, Kim is widely considered to be Kipling's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels written in the English language.


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