Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato & feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab & tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato & black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you're stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.<br /> Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato &#38; feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab &#38; tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato &#38; black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you&#39;re stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.

Размер одежды: XXL, 5XL
Материал: Лайкра, Полиамид, Спандекс
Цвет: Черный
ID товара: 69365671

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Описание товара: Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato & feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab & tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato & black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you're stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.<br /> Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato &#38; feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab &#38; tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato &#38; black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you&#39;re stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.

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3XL 110-114 cm 93-97 cm 117-119 cm
4XL 114-118 cm 98-102 cm 122-126 cm
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XL 102-106 cm 83-87 cm 103-105 cm

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Общая информация o: Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato & feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab & tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato & black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you're stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.<br /> Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato &#38; feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab &#38; tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato &#38; black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you&#39;re stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.

ID товара: 69365671
Категория: Купальники
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,4 x 0,25 x 0,15 м, 1 кг
Тип: Раздельные купальники
Вид: Barontex, Раздельные купальники
Модель одежды: Одноцветная
Торговая марка: Barontex
Размер одежды: XXL, 5XL
Материал: Лайкра, Полиамид, Спандекс
Цвет: Черный
Все товары этого бренда: Все товары Barontex

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Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato & feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab & tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato & black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you're stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.
Vibrant, bright and bursting with flavor, this is the definitive guide to the much-loved tomato.Where would we be without the tomato? From South America, on through much of Europe, Northern Africa and Southern Asia, almost every culture and cuisine has found ways of making tomatoes their own. Fresh and also canned, tomatoes have proved themselves to be an endlessly versatile ingredient, much loved by all. In Tomato, best-selling author and professional chef Claire Thomson offers up her best 70 recipes with tomatoes as star of the show.From Burnt tomato salsa and Peach, tomato & feta salad, to Tomato beignets, Crab & tomato tart, and Lamb, tomato & black olive ragu, the gorgeous recipes will satisfy and delight. Celebrating juicy, seasonal produce at the height of tomato season, there are also dishes that work just as well (or better) with canned tomatoes during the colder months, ensuring year-round feasting. A fascinating cookbook for when you're stuck with a glut, or simply if you want to explore new flavors and techniques, Tomato is a colorful and dynamic source of kitchen inspiration.
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