Violet, a young witch whose parents were murdered by necromancers, begins her magical training in the hope of becoming a Dark Agent, and as she battles monsters and ghouls, she learns to conquer her inner demons as well.
Interweaving evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) skills, a high-suspense graphic novel follows the experiences of a young witch who wages war against the necromancers and demons she blames for her parents’ deaths while coming to terms with her own private monsters. Original. Simultaneous eBook. Illustrations.
This spellbinding graphic novel follows the adventures of Violet&;a young witch whose parents were murdered when she was a child. As she wages war against necromancers and demons, Violet learns to overcome her internal monsters as well.In this groundbreaking comic book for teens and young adults, we meet Violet&;a witch whose parents were murdered by an evil necromancer when she was only six years old. Running from country to country, as well as from herself, Violet never gets a chance to fully process her traumatic experience.When she turns 19, Violet begins training at the Underworld Intelligence Agency (UIA) in hopes of becoming a Dark Agent&;someone tasked with keeping the balance between the world of the living and the world of the undead. During her training, Violet hopes to finally overcome her fear of death and take control of her emotions, but instead she finds that mindfulness, vulnerability, and acceptance are the skills most necessary to help her succeed.Blended seamlessly throughout the story are elements of a powerful and evidence-based treatment called acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Whether or not you&;ve experienced a traumatic event like Violet, you&;ll find valuable skills you can apply to your own life to help you conquer your demons and hone your unique superpowers.Note for therapists: Dark Agents presents the core skills of ACT in a fun, narrative format to appeal to teen readers. In this comic, teens will learn all about mindfulness, defusion, self-compassion, and values-based living. The book doesn't feel like a therapist recommendation&;which is exactly what makes it perfect for your teen clients!
This spellbinding graphic novel follows the adventures of Violet&;a young witch whose parents were murdered when she was a child. As she wages war against necromancers and demons, Violet learns to overcome her internal monsters as well. Dark Agents seamlessly weaves together evidence-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) skills into a comic book format to help teach teens and young adults about mindfulness, acceptance, and self-compassion.