Problem Solving for Oil Painters: Recognizing What's Gone Wrong and How to Make it Right New edition

Autorius: G Kreutz
Puslapių skaičius: 144
Leidimo metai: 1997
Prekės ID: 77670234
Pardavėjas: Minced 4.3
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Vilniuje, parduotuvėje (Laisvės pr. 75)

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Kaune, parduotuvėje (K. Baršausko g. 66A, PC „Molas“)

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Dėmesio! Pristatymo terminai yra preliminarūs, kadangi terminai atsinaujina priklausomai nuo faktinio užsakymo pateikimo ir apmokėjimo laiko. Galutinis pristatymo terminas yra pateikiamas patvirtinus užsakymą.

Pardavėjas: Minced 4.3

Prekės aprašymas: Problem Solving for Oil Painters: Recognizing What's Gone Wrong and How to Make it Right New edition

Finally - a book to help you solve all your painting problems! Inside you'll learn how to study a painting and correct problematic areas. Study topics include: Ideas - Is there a good abstract idea underlying the picture? - What details could be eliminated to strengthen the composition? - Does the painting have a focus? - Are the unessential parts subbordinated? - Does the painting "read"? - Could you finish any part of the painting? Shapes - Are the dominant shapes as strong and simple as possible? - Are the shapes too similiar? Value - Could the value range be increased? - Could the number of values be reduced? Light - Is the subject effectively lit? - Is the light area big enough? - Would the light look stronger with a suggestion of burnout? - Do the lights have a continuous flow? - Is the light gradiated? Shadows - Do the shadow shapes describe the form? - Are the shadows warm enough? Depth - Would the addition of foreground material deepen the space? - Does the background recede far enough? - Are the halftones properly related to the background? Solidity - Is the underlying form being communicated? - Is the symmetry in perspective? Color - Is there a color strategy? - Could a purer color be used? - Do the whites have enough color in them? - Are the colors overbended on the canvas? - would the color look brighter if it were saturated into its adjacent area? Paint - Is your palette efficiently organized? - Is the painting surface too absorbent? - Are you using the palette knife as much as you could? - Are you painting lines when you should be painting masses? - Are the edges dynamic enough? - Is there enough variation in the texture of the paint?

Bendra informacija apie: Problem Solving for Oil Painters: Recognizing What's Gone Wrong and How to Make it Right New edition

Prekės ID: 77670234
Kategorija: Knygos apie meną
Prekės pakuočių kiekis: 1 vnt.
Pakuotės išmatavimai ir svoris (1): 0,02 x 0,2 x 0,13 m, 0,28 kg
Tipas: Tapyba, skulptūra
Leidykla: Watson-Guptill Publications
Leidinio kalba: Anglų
Pardavėjas: Minced
Autorius: G Kreutz
Puslapių skaičius: 144
Leidimo metai: 1997

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Problem Solving for Oil Painters: Recognizing What's Gone Wrong and How to Make it Right New edition
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